Periodontal treatment
Over the years, a chronic inflammation of the gums can occur which might even result in the loss of own teeth. In most cases, the inflammation remains unnoticed by the patient. The gums are inflamed and they bleed when brushing teeth. Plaque and calculus carry bacteria into the oral cavity, along the tooth root towards the bone and can thus contribute to a disease of the gum bed, the periodontium, and eventually lead to a periodontal disease.
Many other illnesses can arise from diseased teeth. Bacteria enter the bloodstream and can spread to other organs. This is why prevention and appropriate treatment are important for your dental health. Periodontitis can also have genetic reasons and can be inheritable.
In case of a periodontal therapy, an individual therapeutic concept is created for you. We thoroughly explain the causes and create a comprehensive therapeutic concept based on your individual needs. We will keep you motivated to make sure that you maintain your dental health long after treatment.
The periodontal treatment is performed under local anesthesia and is almost painless. The teeth are cleaned also below the gums and the tooth roots and the deep gum pockets are freed from harmful bacteria. The mechanical cleaning is supported by rinsing the mouth with mouthwash and the application of an antibacterial gel.